Posts Tagged ‘God’s presence’

Declaration of Forgiveness

August 24, 2008

This morning, I got to fill in for one of our pastors and serve with my associate pastor. I’m so thankful for being asked and so awestruck at life’s changes over the years. Humbling, to say the least. And unbelievably, excitably like a thirteen-year-old after a six-pack of soda energizing! Part of the service was the declaration of forgiveness & a few friends asked that I post it, so here ’tis.

In and through Christ, we are forgiven. We are invited to stand in the very presence of God, to have the comfort and joy of bringing all of who we are to a Creator yearning for us to come closer.

Father, teach us to walk in that forgiveness. Help us trust the vulnerable parts of who we are to You and take the forgiveness that You offer as a gift, to allow ourselves the freedom You intend for us to have.

Encourage us through Your Holy Spirit, Lord, to step out into the “yes” places where You define and refine who we are and who we think we are, what we do and what we sense we are called to do.

We hear the words of Your forgiveness, but sometimes we don’t know quite how to process that. We’re not sure what to do with it. Your presence is here to speak into our spiritual ears the possibilities You’ll walk with us to explore when we walk into the depth of Your love.

Oh, You are so good! And You love us so much.

Living in the giftings You gave us brings elation, life, energy!

Living in community with You brings underlying peace in our chaotic hearts.

Living in love with You brings tenderness for those who injure us because of their own brokenness. We begin to see them with Your eyes.

Living in surety that You bring good from all things helps us to let You out of the box we sometimes put You in, and we thank You and praise You for calling us to the hope of what You know we are able to be.